About Us
Viking Tactics Inc.
Stay in the Fight!!
Viking Tactics, Inc. offers an elite selection of high-quality, battle proven tactical gear, designed by warriors for warriors! We want to provide you with quality products, affordable pricing, and responsive customer service!
CONTACT INFO for Dealers/Distributors:
Viking Tactics, Inc. is an Internet-based company. All Dealers/Distributors contact with Viking Tactics, Inc. should be made through email.
CONTACT INFO for Individual Sales: We will continue to serve individual customer sales for as long as we can, however, individuals are encouraged to use our Distributors. They are often available by phone and have a more traditional style of contact available for individuals.
REQUESTS FOR PRICE QUOTES MUST BE THROUGH EMAIL: Dealers/Distributors can log into the website portal for pricing. We do not bid against Distributors. Please contact Distributors directly for quotes when you are required to have three bids.
PHONE: The Viking Tactics warehouse is located in a remote location, this gives us the ability to shoot guns and create free video content for our customers without being disturbed. There is no phone service in the area, not even a landline. All communications run off a LTE Data Booster. For this reason, phone communication is inconsistent and not recommended, your emails are answered (we answer emails that we receive in a timely fashion). (910) 987 5983
Established Dealers, Distributors, Government Requests, etc.
EMAIL: Lamb@VikingTactics.com
OFFICE HOURS: We do not hold traditional office hours. Due to the nature of our business, we are on the range, traveling to and from courses, packing in a warehouse, etc. We appreciate your patience and respond to emails as quickly as we can!