Has my order shipped?

Click the “My Account” link at the top of our site and navigate to “Orders” to check your order status.

Click the “My Account” link at the top of our site to view orders you have placed. Then click the “orders” link to find and edit your order. Please note that once an order has begun processing or has shipped, the order is no longer editable.

Click the “My Account” link at the top of our site and navigate to “Orders” to track your order.

Click the “My Account / Order” link at the top of our site to track your order status. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If you order displays your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a status of “delivered”, please contact customer service for assistance.

Click the “My Account / Orders” link at the top of our site to track your order status. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If you order displays your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a status of “delivered”, please contact customer service for assistance.

Click the “My Account / Orders” link at the top of our site to track your order status. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If you order displays your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a status of “delivered”, please contact customer service for assistance.
How do I create an account?

Place your items in the cart and proceed to checkout. Your account will be created as you complete the checkout process.

Your information is NEVER sold to any other company and is kept completely private. Please view our Privacy Policy for more information.

Click the “My Account” link at the top of our site to edit your account information.Â

Shipping is automatically calculated prior to submitting your payment information. Simply add items to your cart and proceed to the Checkout page where you will be offered Shipping Method choices and their prices.


Click the “My Account” link at the top of our site. Under the login box you’ll see a link that says “Forgot your password?”. That link will send an email to you with your password.


Please click here for more information on returning an item.

If you feel that you have received the wrong product, please contact customer service within 72 hours of receiving the product.

Please see our Terms & Conditions for complete details regarding our return policy.

Please see each individual item page for more information on the availability of each item. Also, after placing your order, you may click the “My Account / Orders” link at the top of our site to track the status of your order. You will receive a shipment confirmation when your order has shipped and tracking information within 24-48 hours of shipment.


First create an account. Then look for the Tax Exempt section of your dashboard and request the tax exemption.
Do you ship Internationally?

Visit Tactical Supply International for APO’s and International Shipments

Viking Tactics ships US Stateside only. We do have several Distributors that ship internationally. Send us an email at if you would like to be put in touch with an authorized Distributor that ships Internationally.

Privacy Policy

We value your privacy. Please view our Privacy Policy for complete details on how we use the information we collect.

This website is protected with SSL (secure socket layer) encryption, the highest standard in Internet security.


Do I have to pay sales tax?
Sales Tax is collected in accordance to the laws of your State. This information is constantly changing.
Click the “My Account” link at the top of our site to review your orders. You may compare your order history on our website, with your financial records. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact customer service for further assistance.

Click the “My Account” link at the top of our site to print invoices.

Credits usually take 7-10 business days from the time we receive your item(s).

Your credit card will be charged within 24 hours of placing your order online. Credit cards must clear before shipment.
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