Leadership Seminars
Viking Tactics, Inc. Leadership Seminars can help you to develop the qualities of good leadership which are essential for mission success, we will also give you the tools necessary to develop those around you serving in supervisory positions. With insight from years of successful military leadership time, as well as leadership in combat situations, you will find these seminars second to none. Having been exposed to history as it happens, we provide feedback as to what works and why. Our leadership seminars encompass a broad scope of topics, from current events to pre 9/11 issues. We will help you and your associates reach their fullest potential through effective leadership. The Viking Tactics Leadership principles are combat proven.
Combat Mindset Seminars
Viking Tactics, Inc Combat Mindset seminars will help to bring reality to your training. If you don’t go into a fight with the right mindset, shooting and fighting skills may not be enough to get you through. We teach you what it takes to not only survive a fight, but WIN a fight. Are you prepared for the unknown? We also discuss what happens after the fight, and how we can support those around us who have survived a situation.
Team Building Seminars
With the use of tactical scenarios, we will enhance the operational potential of your team. Team tactics are more than physical fitness and marksmanship skills. If you are not operating as a team, it doesn’t matter how special individuals are. We will discuss the tactical planning process, trying to involve leaders at the highest level possible. Once we have a plan, the scenario based training will culminate with actual tactical training scenarios. Classes covering the planning process in its entirety are also available. These seminars can be integrated with our Combat Marksmanship courses.