All donations will go to Stay in the Fight Foundations 501(c)(3)
This is a fund raiser for the Stay in the Fight Foundation. If you would like to donate directly to the Stay in the Fight Foundation email StayintheFightFoundation@gmail.com MISSION: The Stay in the Fight Foundation 501(c)(3) will deliver time sensitive funding for assistance with food, clothing, shelter or health care needs to individuals that find themselves in an unexpected crisis. This funding is used to bridge the gap while individuals seek their long-term solution. SITF was established to react quickly to emergency financial needs. After investing our time, our business, and placing personal efforts behind many good charities, we were exposed to a very specific gap between donors and recipients. We were inspired to create a conduit to fill that gap. Our intention is short-term financial assistance in an emergency situation (we are like the ambulance). Many hard working Americans get tripped up on that “one” emergency and we hope to assist all working people who find themselves in this crisis to get over the hump and back to work or on to a long-term solution.
Stay in the Fight!!Kyle and Melynda Lamb
Model 1 Utility Knife by Caleb White
$1,500.00 -
$100 Donation
$100.00 -
Travel with Me by Kelsey Lamb
$100.00 -
$50 Donation
$50.00 -
$25 Donation
$25.00 -
$20.00 – $30.00 -
Diffuser Oils