
SKU: VTAC-BGS Category:

The Viking Tactics, Inc. Light Weight Bungee Sling (VTAC-BGS) gives the operator a lightweight alternative to the standard sling. With the addition of shoulder bungee material, the VTAC Bungee Sling allows the shooter to maintain an extremely tight sling while still being able to get in and out of shooting positions. The bungee portion of the sling will help keep the primary weight of the weapon tight against your body, allowing you to quickly transition to your pistol should the need arise. Consistent with the capability of all VTAC sling designs, the VTAC Bungee Sling allows you to quickly adjust the length of your sling as your tactical situation changes.

The VTAC Bungee Sling is ideal for use on SBR’s, pistol’s with braces, and sub guns. If you use a lightweight and small shoulder fired weapon, this is the sling to use. The function remains the same as our tried and true VTAC Original Sling. If you are looking for bungee, this is the sling for you.

Made in the USA!

Two Point Sling
5.04 ounces / 60+ inches
Check out our Sling Attachment page to select the attachment for your particular weapon system.

Viking Tactics Bungee Sling

Weight 0.4 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1 in

Black, Coyote

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