Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

Some think 007 is cool, but Jim Bond hasn’t got anything on the real Brits that fought World War II.

Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, The Maverick’s who plotted Hitler’s Defeat by Giles Milton is a page turning story of the outside the box thinking that started with Winston Churchill and ended on the battlefields and behind enemy lines of WW 2. History that a Special Forces soldier such as myself should have realized or been taught along the way. Incredible ideas from men and women who would change the face of battle. 

One example was Cecil Clark, he loved to build RV’s before that was cool. The war changed his innovative focus from building caravan’s (took that word from Guy Ritchie’s movie Snatch), to building Limpit mines used to sink many ships during WW2 and since. He not only designed the mine but used candy for a timer and a Condom to retard the candy’s decay. 

Mr. Milton also touches briefly on William Fairbairn, who taught quiet kill techniques to those going behind enemy lines.

I loved this book and it is one you will want to read again. By the way, Guy Ritchie has a new movie coming out this year, 2024. Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. Perfect timing, read the book.

A second book on this subject and more in line with the movie that is coming out is: Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare: The Desperadoes Who Plotted Hitler’s Downfall, Giving Birth to Modern-day Black Ops

Kyle Lamb rates this five swords!

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