Kestrel KST 1000 Timer I’ve been through a very large back full of timers, constantly buying new or sending used timers back to have them fixed. No more! The Kestrel KST 1000 has held up to the abuse I throw its way. I probably use a timer more than most as a professional shooting instructor, […]
Author Archives: Kyle Lamb
SIG Foxtrot2R Pistol Light Bright enough to be used for any situation and small enough to be carried every day. If you are looking for a 1 cell tactical light, the FOXTROT2R is the one. Rechargeable batteries are provided and the light will also function with CR123’s. The pressure pads are programmable as well, allowing […]
LEUPOLD DeltaPoint Pro Reflex Sight 2.5 MOA Dot Dark Earth 175840 If you are looking for the most reliable and durable Mini Red Dot Sight on the market get the Leupold DP Pro. It is available with different dot sizes but I prefer the smallest dot possible. The Leupold DP Pro has easy top loading […]
SIG P365 X-Macro If you are looking for a new EDC pistol, this would be the place to start. If you prefer a compensator to eliminate muzzle rise it is built right into the slide of the P365 X-Macro. Click here to see a full review on our YouTube Channel.
SIG P365 X-Macro Tac Ops My current favorite P365 is the X-Macro Tac Ops. I love the added magazine well as well as the extended slide stop. 17 round magazines are part of the package. This pistol is a perfect replacement for any EDC setup that you are currently using. A super accurate pistol, extreme […]
Special Forces Berlin by James Stejskal I found intriguing about this book is that the author is a fellow Special Forces soldier who actually served with the Special Forces in Berlin. Hands on truth, the ground truth. If you are an SF dude this is a must read. If you are a history buff […]
Agincourt by Bernard Cornwell I highly recommend the audio version for this book. The narrator is awesome. It made me feel like I was hanging around swatting flies with Henry V and his archers. Agincourt – Paperback Agincourt: Henry V and the Battle that Made England by Juliet Barker After listening to Bernard Cornwell’s Agincourt […]
PELTOR Tactical Sport Headset I get a lot of questions about which over ear hearing protection I use when teaching shooting classes. My ears have taken some damage over the years so I take what little hearing I have left very serious. My favorite over ear style hearing protection is the 3M Peltor Tactical Sport. […]
The Winter Fortress Winter Fortress is action packed and filled with daring men that made history. One of the most remembered commando raids ever it lives on in books like this. Winter survival, guts, hardship, tough men and women, and worst of all the devastation brought to their country by the Nazi’s and their own […]
War on the Run by John F. Ross Major Robert Rogers has always been an interesting man to discuss while I served in the Army. I never attended Ranger schools or served in Ranger Battalion but I feel as though I understand this unit pretty well. Hundreds of the men I served with were real […]
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