I have always been a fan of the P365, and truth be told the original P365 is still the absolute best for concealment capability. That being said the larger 365’s have made shooting more enjoyable. I liken this to the days of the J Frame Smith and Wesson, super concealable but hard to shoot and having a limited capacity of just 6 rounds. With the newest kid on the block the P365 FUSE, Sig Sauer has brought us a mid size pistol that is very shootable. The slightly longer and lightened slide makes returning to target mindless and fast. You don’t have to think at all the pistol returns immediately to the target. I am willing to give up some concealability for a 17 round pistol that is easy to shoot.

The FUSE also comes from the factory with one 17 rounder and two 21 round magazines. I love it. If you are familiar with the TACOPS version of the P365, the lower receiver of the FUSE is the same.

The sights on this pistol are made for tactical and every day use. Fiber front, tall enough to see through your optic and a rear sight that is also high enough for co-witness useage. 

Don’t believe me, get out on the range and run the FUSE and you will be hooked.

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